The Founder’s Guide to Building a Solid LinkedIn Presence

Linkedin can be a great place to market your products or services, especially if you’re in the B2B SaaS space. Having a Linkedin presence is therefore crucial.


LinkedIn is specifically designed to help professionals and entrepreneurs grow their businesses, unlike other social networks.

Oktopost found that 80% of B2B leads generated through social media come from Linkedin.

You can get exceptional results from this social network if you have the right strategy.

That’s precisely why we created this guide; to show four tactics to help you get the most out of LinkedIn as a founder.

Let’s rock and roll.

Tactic 1. Build a Lead Generating Profile

Although a strong profile won’t grow your business, it’s the best place to start.

Think about it:

Your profile is the first thing a person will look at before even deciding to do business with you, so you must have all the essential elements to make a great profile.

Here’s a checklist you can use to optimize your profile:

Step 1: Go All-Star 

When you sign up to Linkedin, they give you guidelines and recommendations you should follow to set up a strong profile (i.e., add contact information, your city, and your current job).

Filling up your profile this way is the best thing you can do.

Linkedin profile status screenshot

Step 2: Write a list of 10 keywords to focus on 

Head over to some of your competition’s profiles, analyze their keywords, and make a list of them. 

In addition, you can come up with some ideas by thinking about the words your prospective customer might use if they were searching for your products or services.

This will allow you to keep your Linkedin presence consistent and on the topics your clients care about.

Step 3: Highlight the benefits you offer

Most people include their job titles in their headlines. Instead, focus on highlighting the benefits your prospective customers will get if they decide to do business with you.

Your headline is often the first thing they see, after your name & photo. It is an easy way to boost your Linkedin presence and tell people what you do.

How to use a Linked headline

Step 4: Create a compelling summary 

In this section, you should focus on telling a story that supports your headline but avoid being too pushy.

Linkedin about me screenshot

Step 5: Include a call to action 

It’s scientifically proven that clear call-to-actions drive great results, so tell people what you want them to do after viewing your profile. 

What is the result you’re looking to get?

An email address? 

A scheduled meeting? 

An introduction? 

A product review?

Whatever the case, make sure to provide a clear call to action.

Step 6: Upload a profile picture 

Your chances of getting a profile view increase by 110% if you include a photo, according to LinkedIn

Step 7: Include your experience 

Business people generally prefer to do business with experienced people, so if you’ve helped other companies in the past, make sure to add that information to your profile.

There are many other elements you can focus on to build a better profile, but if you focus on the 7 points above, you’ll be ok.

Tactic 2. Leverage The Power of Groups

Social media groups are one of the best ways to drive highly targeted people to your website. What better place to find people with similar interests together in a single place?

The problem is most people don’t know how to approach group marketing. They spam people with their links. This is not how you are correctly boosting your Linkedin presence.

If you’re one of those people, it’s time to change your strategy.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Create a list of 10 Industry groups

This is simple: head to LinkedIn and looks for the search bar at the top of the site. 

Then, click the list icon and select “groups.”

Linkedin search on groups

Now type in a keyword related to your product and press “enter.”

Linkedin will show you relevant groups for the keyword you typed in. Add every group that seems appropriate to your list.

Step 2: Join the groups

Once you’ve got a list of groups, it’s time to start joining those groups. To do that, you need to click the “Join” button.

Some of those groups allow you to join immediately, while others will need to approve your account first. Whatever the case, join at least ten groups and jump to the next step.

Step 3: Build trust

As I mentioned earlier, most people approach group marketing wrong because they focus on spamming links without providing value to the community.

If you want to get the most out of groups, you need to build trust first – I mean, share other people’s content, interact and help other members and even comment on their updates. 

By taking this approach, you’ll be more likely to become a trusty member; therefore, most people will take your content seriously too.

A rule of thumb is to share at least ten pieces of other people’s content and comment on 20 updates before sharing your link.

Tactic 3. Endorse Other People to Build Stronger Relationships

Have you ever heard about the reciprocity effect?

It’s a psychological principle that states that people generally respond to positive actions with more positive actions.

For example, if you constantly deliver a valuable newsletter to your subscribers, they are more likely to pay you back by buying your products or services.

The good news is you can apply the same principle to Linkedin.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Go to your favorite groups and create a list of 50 active people.

If you read the last tactic, you’ll already have a list of at least ten groups. Just pick two or three from your list and head over to them.

Then, create a list of the most active members in the group.

Step 3: Endorse their skills.

Head over to each of your prospects’ profiles and scroll down until you see a section called “Skills.”

Then, click on the “plus” symbol to endorse a skill.

Linked skills screenshot

Once you’ve endorsed some of your prospect’s skills, they will be notified. Doing this will help you appear on your prospects’ radar, making them more likely to accept your invitation and connect once you send your pitch.

It is a great way to boost your Linkedin presence as they see your name with a positive event.

Step 4: Reach out to them and let them know you want to connect

Once you’ve endorsed a person, go back to the top of the site and click the “connect” button.

Then, in the box that says “Include a personal note,” you should include your pitch.

Here’s a script you can use:


Hey [NAME]

I was chilling at [LinkedIn group] when I saw your comment on [thing they commented on].

I think that ________________.

Anyway, I love connecting with like-minded people.



You should be on that person’s radar now, so they will be more likely to respond positively.

Step 5: Repeat the process

Now you only need to repeat the process with each prospect on your list.

Warning: If you approach this tactic wrong, you could get your account banned, so you need to be careful. A rule of thumb is to connect with 10 to 20 people daily.

Tactic 4. Share Content Your Audience Will Actually Love 

One of the biggest mistakes people make in social media marketing is sharing content without any previous research.

It’s much better to share content you’re 100% sure your audience will accept positively. This way, your chances to become an authority in your niche increase significantly. 

Here’s how:

Step 1: Create a list of 25 experts who are very active on Linkedin

Head over to Google and type in the following search string:

Top [your keyword] influencers to follow on LinkedIn

For example, “Top Nutrition experts to follow on LinkedIn.”

Then, Google will show you dozens of blog posts that have listed the top 10, 20, and even 50 influencers you should follow on LinkedIn.

Linkedin search results

Create a list of 50 of them.

Step 2: Analyze the content they share over and over again

Once you’ve got a list of experts, start analyzing their profiles. 

  • What kinds of content do they share? 
  • How often do they share it? 
  • What topics tend to perform best? 

By answering those questions, you’ll be able to know what direction to follow.

Create a list of at least ten topics your experts share repeatedly and topics that people often engage with.

  • Go to
  • Pick one of the topics on your list and put it into the tool.
  • Sort results by Linkedin
  • Analyze results and create a list of the topics that seem to perform very well on LinkedIn
  • Start creating content on those topics.

If you take this approach, you’ll notice people start to engage more with your content, and your business will grow.

Over to You!

Linkedin can be the best social network to grow your SaaS company when approached correctly. Hopefully, this guide provides you with the initial steps to start.

Ultimately, growing your business on LinkedIn is about building meaningful relationships with the right people. Do it consistently for enough time, and you’ll be well on your way to getting the most out of LinkedIn.




