How to find affiliates for your SaaS?

SaaS Affiliate programs can be a great way to make a new revenue stream easily, not only for affiliate marketers but for any business, blogger, or influencer. However, you must keep in mind the affiliate program(s) you choose should be relevant to your audience

Suppose you want to promote brands to agencies, small businesses, marketers, freelancers, or entrepreneurs

Therefore, you need to promote tried and tested time-saving marketing software that caters to their problems and needs.

Some things to consider are these things. If your B2B software is higher priced, it will have a higher commission for affiliates. Thus affiliate marketers will have more incentive to join your program. Another great thing about finding the best SaaS program is that it provides reoccurring payments. Sometimes even for a lifetime. 

SaaS marketing is different, complex, and can be reasonably challenging.

You are publicizing something that is not physically present for clients to see and handle.

Then, it’s continually changing.

Also, SaaS products might confuse the average person. As a result, they may not fully comprehend right away, especially if they are not tech-savvy.

The good news is that affiliate marketing can help you tackle these challenges. Therefore, with a solid affiliate marketing strategy, you’ll be able to reach new audiences, gain targeted traffic and grow your SaaS.

Here’s what you need to run a SaaS affiliate marketing program successfully.

Where to Find Great SaaS Affiliates

It is not just about what is being said; it’s also who is saying it. A flourishing affiliate program begins with getting the proper people to promote your SaaS.

Try discovering diverse types of affiliates who publish on various mediums and spaces so that you can have far-reaching promotions to a variety of audiences.

Here are three locations you can find excellent SaaS affiliates:

1. Invite your Existing Customers

As always, we suggest beginning with your existing customers. Current customers are particularly excellent for SaaS. 

Here is why:

Social proof

Since most SaaS businesses use a subscription-based model, customers tend to be more long-term and committed. Partnering with existing customers conveys a message — happy customers who are satisfied enough to pay for the service regularly. It’s social proof in action.

First-hand experience

As a bonus, current patrons demonstrate the practical use of your software. Utilizing their background, they can deliver less technical expositions of how they used your software and the benefits.

Reward customers

Affiliate marketing is a win-win proposition for customers and businesses. Your customers can get rewards for recommending the products and services they already love. Therefore, this is excellent for brand loyalty and customer retention.

Easily invite your Audience

Remember, your new customers can become affiliate prospects. Therefore, it will automatically send them a referral link so they can promote your business. 

Therefore, when they provide a new conversion or customer, the affiliate prospect is immediately promoted to affiliate status. The customer invitations allow them to log in to their dashboard. 

At Reditus, we provide you with a customized dashboard you can use. Our platform will help you in providing an affiliate program to these customers. Therefore we save you time and money by delivering your business some great value. 

Banner explaining the effect of an affiliate program for saas companies.

Suppose someone is already writing about your business. In that case, there are a few reasons why they wouldn’t want to be an affiliate and monetize their work.

You might be wondering how to find out who is citing you. Services like Google Alerts and Awario provide data on who mentions your business. As a result, they help you save a significant amount of time on data mining. 

After you have created a list of people, you need to develop a plan on how you might reaching. 

Here are some practical tactics:

  • Offering a demo of your product
  • A personalized email
  • Present program offerings, including commission
  • Making your signup readily available
  • Discussing potential benefits of co-marketing

Before you decide to create a mass email campaign, do your research. You will need to examine websites, designs, and writing styles to determine if they fit your overall marketing strategy.

You will also need to answer some questions for yourself. Will this site provide you with quality exposure? How will they help you reach the right customers? How could these affiliates bring in bad leads and potentially devalue your brand?

Answering these questions and asking more questions will help your business gain quality SaaS affiliates successfully. 

Pro tip: Check who is linking to your website already by doing a backlink analysis via SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs.

3. Affiliate Marketing Platforms

Reditus is an excellent SaaS resource to utilize. Numerous affiliates are willing to help market your campaign. They supply all the successful tools to help customize and implement your campaign.

The platform will help ease the affiliate’s understanding of your product and services. Their expert knowledge of many SaaS products will similarly help them discuss your products. The extensive network of people in their audience will help bring clients to your brand. 

How You Can Assist SaaS Affiliates Be Successful

Now that you have successfully found your SaaS affiliates, it is time to empower them.  

As we said, SaaS marketing is demanding.

Crush these challenges by proactively working with affiliates. Please supply them with the essential resources and support to boost your brand effectively (and efficiently).

Share branding guidelines

Begin by giving your affiliates the essentials of your brand. Assemble all branding materials and make a branding kit. that can be easily accessed. Branding materials include logos, color profiles, typography, and slogans.

Therefore, this will provide affiliates with a foundation for developing content. Also, it ensures it will portray your brand consistently in all of your marketing efforts. Therefore, your brand will become recognizable to audiences.

Organize Marketing Materials

You will want to present affiliates with some available direction in marketing text. It is valuable to supply affiliates with the following:

  • Your brand’s ad copy
  • Product descriptions
  • Up-to-date features list
  • Pricing lists with what’s included
  • Any case studies or examples

It’s also helpful to provide a glossary of related terms, especially if the terminology is specific to your software.

Note that this is only to help the affiliate, not limit.

Give your affiliates the space to market their way and the most suitable fit for their audience. Ultimately, that is the attraction of affiliate marketing – including genuine voices instead than exhausted, prepackaged ads.

Reditus Homepage

Share High-Quality Images

Images provide your affiliates something tangible to offer customers an intention of the product. Supply affiliates with high-quality pictures of your software, showcasing the interface and some of the most valuable elements.

If your software changes repeatedly, attempt to offer the most generic understanding possible or maintain intimate communication with affiliates for revised images.

Additionally, find available images that will convey your brand’s persona and give a sense of the company culture. But make sure to sidestep the cheesy stock photo pitfall.

Since affiliates will be peddling your brand in eclectic ways, it is essential to have an assortment in your image collection. Remember, they will provide content through multiple channels and to different audiences. So variety will help them reach various audiences. 

A long blog post reviewing the software would need screenshots of the interface to be beneficial. Providing this material can help save your affiliates time. It also shows that you are on the ball and know what you are doing. 

Affiliate markets utilizing social media might not find screenshots of the software appealing or valuable to their audience. So, you might try using an image reflective of your brand, possibly with a graphic that conveys how this will benefit customers.

Start Using Video Content

Video is evolving to be the go-to content for affiliate commerce.

It is also beneficial for SaaS.

Video is a pitch to your audience. The audience is provided insight into how the software works. You can offer insider tips & tricks to give them an overall sense of how it functions.

Popular videos for SaaS include:

  • Explainer videos
  • Software tutorials
  • Customer success testimonials
  • Product demonstrations
  • Getting started guides
  • Case studies

You can supply video as part of your affiliate marketing aids or work one-on-one with the affiliates who create video content.

Create content together

Another way to aid affiliates is to help in the content development process. SaaS offers abundant possibilities for content creation beyond a generic product overview.

However, this is when having customers as affiliates come in handy. These affiliates can invite audiences into their experience, allowing them to address customers’ practical questions and interests in a way traditional ads cannot.

Here are a few writing prompts that are great for SaaS:

  • How has the software changed its workflow?
  • What has kept them as a customer?
  • What concerns about using the software, and were these concerns solved? 
  • Why did they switch from another software? 

Offer Insight to your Company

Guarantee that affiliates can efficiently access details around advancements, updates, and any other pertinent business details. For example, if you are launching a new feature this week, give your affiliates the relevant information a few weeks before you launch.

However, this allows affiliates to ask questions and understand the new feature. Therefore, giving them time to prepare sharable content with their audiences. Plus, they will feel part of the process rather than feel as if they are lost.

A few ways to share this information include newsletters, mailing lists, or an affiliate Facebook group.

Additionally, communicate any flattering press and placements about your business. Press mentions are an excellent marketing tool for affiliates. The press extending credibility with third-party validation is excellent marketing. As a result, they can position you as an industry leader.

Reditus Marketplace 

Just as your SaaS product continually modernizes, so will your marketing approach.

screenshot of the Reditus SaaS Affiliate program marketplace

For your affiliate program, consistently be assertive in working with affiliates through the transformations and updates. Therefore, they are a vital asset to your program’s success. By supplying the required means, they can resume demanding that your business succeed without the hassle and help your business grow.




